Objective: To assess the practices and current status of oral hygiene among patients visiting dental outpatients' departments of tertiary care setting of Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan. Methodology: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at Islam Dental College, Sialkot Punjab from October 2019 to January 2020. Sample size of 430 was calculated by assuming the population and prevalence of oral diseases, at 95% of confidence interval (5% of type 1 error, P < 0.01). A questionnaire of 14-items was devised to collect the required variables. Results: Out of 430 patients, 58.3% were males, 41.7% females. 19.4% patients were among the age range of 29-38 years, 26.8% patients were in the range of 49-65 years. Data revealed that 23.6% patients were smokers, 39.1% patients were Tea/coffee addicts; whereas, 20.5% were nonsmokers. 56.4% patients brush their teeth once a day, whereas, 11.8% patients were found to be doing it occasionally. The most common purpose of visiting a dentist was dental caries. 8.7% patients visited the Dental OPD for tooth extraction, 17.9% visitors were for the reason of plaque and scaling, 12.2% for filling, 20.1% for follow-up of Root Canal Treatment, 9.1% for toothache, 40.6% were concerned about their oral health. However, 33.1% patients stated they do not find time for their regular visits, while 26.3% patients occasionally do pay visits. Conclusion: An appropriate cleaning and maintaining oral hygiene is important, which can be achieved by knowledge based programs, advertisements and counseling the individuals.