Objective: To describe the occurrence of abortion-related complications, available treatment and referral arrangements at various levels of the Ethiopian health system, including those in remote areas. Design: A cross sectional descriptive study. Setting: The study was carried out in all but two of the regions in Ethiopia, Subjects and participants: From the respective regions, health facilities were randomly selected. Health workers and traditional birth attendants were interviewed and operations registers were reviewed. Results: In hospitals, the interviewees estimated that an average of 17 patients with postabortion complications were seen per month, in lower level health facilities providing post-abortion care the estimate was one patient per month. In lower level units not providing post-abortion care, 84% of the interviewees responded that they saw patients with complications due to abortion. The study shows that abortion complications occur in both urban and rural areas and are seen not only in hospitals, but also in health centres and at health stations, many of which are ill equipped to handle the patients, Conclusion: The results indicate a need to address services to improve treatment of abortion complications acid other reproductive health services, as well as the provision of education to prevent unsafe abortions with both communities and lower level health facilities that serve them.