Workplace Violence-A Survey of Diagnostic Radiographers Working in Public Hospitals in Hong Kong: Kris NG, et al. Department of Health Technology and Informatics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong-Objectives: This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of workplace violence involving radiographers in Hong Kong, to evaluate underlying factors contributing to incidents and their impact, and to suggest improvements in management and training. Methods: Frontline radiographers, from seven regional hospitals, who performed duties in general radiography, were provided with a workplace violence questionnaire. General radiography refers to plain film X-ray services in general rooms (including out patient clinics), A&E and portable services on wards. Materials relating to workplace violence, for example guidelines and training information, were provided by hospital managers. Results: Out of 281 questionnaires, 150 were returned (response rate of 53%). Sixty-one percent of radiographers had experienced violence in the past 3 yr and 34% of victims had encountered incidents more than 5 times. From respondents who had experienced abuse, verbal abuse (97%) was most frequently reported, and the predominant source of violence was patients (p<0.0001). Respondents identified long waiting times, communication issues and understaffing as key risk factors. The Accident & Emergency Department was the highest risk area (p<0.0001). Almost two thirds (65.91%) of radiographers who experienced verbal abuse ignored events. Although no severe injury was reported, indirect impact, including increased work stress, job dissatisfaction, depression and increased sick leave, were highlighted as negative consequences of violence. 77% of respondents felt that support from departments was inadequate and only 11% had attended courses on prevention of occupational violence. Conclusions: Workplace violence is a critical problem in Hong Kong. Further research is recommended to investigate the problem. (J Occup Health 2009; 51: 355-363)