Background. Improving maternal mortality attracts considerable interest with the critical invention through institutional delivery services (IDS) in reducing maternal death during delivery and ensuring safe childbirth. *e influence of both individual and community-level factors is essential to using IDS. Problem Statement. Maternal death may occur at any time, but delivery without designated healthcare is by far the most dangerous time for both woman and her baby. *erefore, to combat the global burden of maternal mortality, it is necessary to ensure IDS worldwide. Objectives. *is study explores the current knowledge of individual and community-level covariates and examines their extent of influence on the utilization of IDS in Bangladesh. Methods. Utilizing Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS) data, this study has used two-level random intercept binary logistic regression, together with the average annual rate of increase (AARI) in the utilization of IDS and related variables. Results. *is study found appreciable changes in seeking IDS, increases from 3.4% in 2007 to 51.9% in 2017, and half of the total deliveries (51%) took place in healthcare. About 26% of the total variation in the utilization of IDS is owing to differences across communities. Further, covariates including communities with higher educated women, higher utilization of ANC and access to media and at individual level, religion, maternal and parental education, wealth index, and mother-level factors (i.e., age at birth, BMI, occupation, ANC visit, birth order, own health care decision, pregnancy intention, and exposure to media) showed significant association with the utilization of IDS. Conclusion. *is study observed the association between individual and community-level factors and IDS uptake. *us, any future strategies must address individual level and community-level challenges and undertake a multisectoral approach to enhance the uptake of IDS.