Baseline drift is a widespread phenomenon in modern spectroscopy instrumentation, which would bring a very negative impact to the feature extraction of spectrum signal, and the baseline correction method is an important means to solve the problem, which is also the important part of Raman signal preprocessing. The general principle of baseline drift elimination is using the fitting method to the fit the baseline. The traditional fitting method is polynomial fitting, but this method is prone to over-fitting and under-fitting, and the fitting order is difficult to be determined. In this paper, the traditional method is improved; the B-spline fitting method is used to approach the baseline of Raman signal through constant iteration. The advantages of B-spline, namely low-order and smoothness, can help the method overcome the shortcomings of polynomial method. In the experiments, the Raman signal of malachite green and rhodamine B were detected, and then the proposed method and traditional method were applied to perform baseline correction. Experimental results showed that the proposed method can eliminate the Raman signal baseline drift effectively without over- and under-fitting, and the same order can be used in both positions where large or small baseline drift occurred. Therefore, the proposed method provided more accurate and reliable information for the further analysis of spectral data.