Introduction: This study explored the contexts in which adolescents report perceptions of being a burden on others, via a mixed-methods approach, to inform the development of interventions targeting perceived burdensomeness as a risk factor for suicide ideation. Method: Participants were 41 adolescents, 13-19 years of age (M = 16.95, SD = 1.61), with elevated perceived burdensomeness on the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire. Adolescent were predominantly female (70.7%) and Hispanic (73.2%). Adolescents provided up to three examples of times they experienced perceived burdensomeness. Examples (N = 102) were qualitatively coded to identify common themes, followed by quantitative analyses of demographic factors associated with identified themes. Results: Seven main categories emerged from the qualitative analyses of examples: Drain on Resources, Perceptions of Failure and Brokenness, Relationship Conflict/Withdrawal, Misbehavior, Emotional Distress, Academic Problems, and Lack of Belongingness. Adolescent boys reported a greater proportion of burdensomeness attributions related to Misbehavior and a lower proportion related to Emotional Distress, relative to girls. Discussion: Major themes aligned with theorized components of perceived burdensomeness. Adolescent examples focused predominantly on normative experiences, supporting the notion that perceived burdensomeness may represent a distorted cognition. The results may inform the development of interventions targeting perceived burdensomeness.