risk factors;
working conditions;
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C [社会科学总论];
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The study was carried out in the sanitary landfill of Puno, from December 2017 to January 2018 and aimed to determine the relationship between working conditions and the risk factors faced by waste pickers from the Cancharani sanitary landfill, Puno-Peru. The methodology applied corresponds to the transversal correlational design, with a census-type study sample. The statistical tests applied were the Spearman correlation test and the Mann Whitney U test. The results indicate that there is no correlation (r = 0.102; a = 0.01), between working conditions and the risk factors that workers face. With regard to gender, it was found that women admit the inadequate working conditions in which they work (U = 60.00), considering that they are the same who manipulate solid waste from dangerous places such as pharmacies and others without optimal protection. On the other hand, men are the ones who perceive more the risk factors they face (U = 50.00) and are the ones who handle the waste coming from the homes. According to the age ranges, it was obtained that those aged 18 to 29 identify and perceive the inadequate working conditions in which they work (RP = 96.50). Likewise, it is those of this age range who identify the risk factors to which they are subject (PR = 91.00). We can conclude that the work situations and the risk factors are not significantly related.