Hardiness and social supports are factors, which influence work stress. This research aims at empirically examining the impacts of hardiness and social supports on work stress of workers at "X" university in Yogyakarta. The subjects of the research are 40 non-educational woman permanent workers, who have been serving at least one year work. The sampling technique used is the non-randomized sampling. The data are collected using hardiness, social support, and work stress scales. The data are analyzed by employing multiple linear regression techniques. The result of the research shows (1) There is a significant impact on hardiness, social support, and work satisfaction simultaneously on work stress as much as Rx1x2y = 0.704, with p = 0.000 (p > 0.01). (2) There is a significant impact between hardiness and work stress as much as (rx1y) = 0.806, with p = 0.000 (p < 0.01). (3) There is no impact between social support and work stress as shown in (rx2y) = -0,011 with probability level of p = 0.991 (p > 0.5).