The circular economy (CE) paradigm fosters to rethink and redesign the manufacturing process, usage and disposal pattern of products and services in an economy. In the past few years, CE has gained tremendous momentum in terms of research and implementation. Apart from the widening horizon of CE across the globe, numerous practitioners, policy-makers and academicians have explored the scope to incorporate various sectors of industries and businesses within the CE model. Evidently, a primary mechanism or system is required to facilitate the transition to CE. With an aim to understand this mechanism, the article analyzes, through a systematic literature review, the implementation of circular practices across the European Union (EU) member states based on a framework of circular strategies, nutrient cycles, ReSOLVE framework and circular business models. Further, the implementation of CE action plan proposed in 2015 for the EU region, has facilitated circular practices in numerous industries, owing to government policies and regulations. Additionally, it has helped in building the required infrastructure, while providing a technological push for augmenting sustainable growth in the region. Based on the analysis, it is inferred that recycling has been the most widely used circular strategy for looping back materials into the system. Waste management, electrical and electronic equipment industries and construction industries are a pioneer in CE implementation. Also, macro level initiatives by governments and/or regional administrative bodies predominate CE's implementation in the EU. A further transition to CE can be facilitated by government policies, infrastructure and technological availability, awareness, stakeholder collaboration and supply-chain integration. (C) 2020 Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.