Our main aim is to propose a useful instrument that allows us to discover, working from praxis, the internal structure that sustains a work of architecture -considering its variability, economy, adaptability and ability to form complex systems- and, in turn, to avoid the dangers of reductionism and determinism. Necessity and truth are two of the basic architectural principles and constitute themselves internal and specific laws of the work of architecture. The dialectical research is the consciousness of the form, the consciousness of the internal movement of the content. And it is the content itself, with its implicit dialectical movement, which drives it forward, with the form included in it. The method would be the expression of the universal laws and its application to the specificity, as well as the instrument that allows the singularity to penetrate deep into the universality. The dialectical method synthesizes the speech, the criticism of the speech and the criticism of the criticism. The method represents the specific universality. The laws of the dialectical method are internal, necessary laws: of all the objects and of each object in particular; of the universe as a whole and of each object as a part of the universe. In this sense, they become universal and specific laws. However, they do not allow us to anticipate or to infer any object either. They do not replace the investigation neither the contact with the content, because the relationship between the universality and the specificity is not only a relation between formal inclusion and formal exclusion, but also a dialectical relation. They refer dialectically to the other one by a medium term. Between the universality and the specificity, it is impossible to delete the mediation of the particularity. In order to discover the particular laws, it becomes necessary, therefore, to look for the essence, the concept, the relationship between the specific realities (sets, classes and species), in the whole of the universal laws. And it must be do through the experience, through the contact with the contents.