For 1..... p, < oo, we characterize the main diagonals of the positive projective tensor product tp, 01,1- " " initp and the positive injective tensor product t pi 0161 " " " 01Elt p. Then by using these two main diagonals, we characterize the reflexivity, the property of being Kantorovich Banach spaces, and the property of being order continuous of tp, 6 ll " " " 6::;)' Il8p,, and tp, 61,1 " " " 61,1EN, as well as the space of all regular n-linear forms on L x " " " x tp and the space of all regular n-homogeneous polynomials on tp(1 p < oo). (C) 2014 Royal Dutch Mathematical Society (KWG). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.