Purification, characterization and biological activity of urodele and anuran sex-pheromones were reviewed. Female-attracting pheromones obtained from the abdominal gland of Cynops pyrrhogaster and C. ensicauda males are peptides consisting of 10 amino acid residues being designated sodefrin and silefrin, respectively. Each pheromone attracted only conspecific females. Molecular cloning of cDNAs encoding sodefrin and silefrin revealed that both are generated from precursor proteins. Synthesis of these pheromones is regulated by prolactin (PRL) and androgen. Responsiveness of the female vomeronasal epithelium to sodefrin is enhanced by PRL and estrogen. The submandibular gland of the male terrestrial salamander, Plethodon jardani secretes a 22-kD proteinaceous pheromone that enhances female receptivity. It was revealed that every salamander synthesizes multiple isoforms of this pheromone, Plethodontid receptivity factor. The magnificent tree fro,g, Litoria splendida breed in an aquatic environment. The skin glands of the male secrete a female-attracting peptide pheromone, splendipherin, comprising 25 amino acid residues. The significance of the structure of the amphibian sex-pheromone as peptide and protein is discussed in terms of their species specificity. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.