The political sciences account for most business and peace scholarship. Less is known about what management theory and business strategy insights or adaptations might be relevant or required if commercial actors are to help consolidate peace. This article reflects on challenges and opportunities for such research, observing that some cross-disciplinary dimension will sometimes be unavoidable or desirable. The article offers a basic analytical framework for approaching the topic but cautions against rigid typologies in this emerging field. Among the research challenges addressed are ideas of more deliberate, explicit business engagement in peacebuilding and the need for insights into the incentives that might drive firms to take on such roles.
Banaras Hindu Univ, Peace & Intercultural Understanding, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India
Peace Res Inst Oslo PRIO, Oslo, NorwayBanaras Hindu Univ, Peace & Intercultural Understanding, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India