Maintenance of adequate levels of soil organic carbon (SOC) is crucial for the biological, chemical and physical functioning of soils. This study was conducted (i) to determine the impact of long-term sugarcane monoculture on total SOC stocks and on its labile fractions and (ii) to quantify the loss of original SOC and the accretion of sugarcane-derived C following the adoption of new management practices namely de-rocking/land grading and mechanized harvesting. Five study sites representing the five major soil groups under sugarcane in Mauritius were selected with a classical "paired-plot" design adopted. In this design, two sites with similar initial conditions were developed in different ways over time. One represents the reference soil (virgin land with predominantly C-3 type vegetation) and the other represents one of the following cropping treatments: (i) fields continuously cultivated with sugarcane for more than 25 or 50 years without de-rocking or land grading, (ii) fields under long-term sugarcane but having undergone de-rocking and land grading for mechanized harvesting in the last 3 years. Soil samples were taken to a depth of 50 cm and analysed for total organic C, labile C, C-13 natural abundance, bulk density and stone content. Changes in SOC stock in the 0-50 cm profile following > 50 years of cane cropping were not significant (P > 0.05) compared to virgin land at any site. Soil delta C-13 values revealed that long-term sugarcane cultivation resulted in a depletion of original SOC by 34 to 70 %. However, this loss was fully compensated by C input from sugarcane residues at all sites studied resulting in no net change in SOC stock. Adoption of mechanized harvest did not have any detrimental effect on SOC stocks due to C inputs from crop residues. However, long-term sugarcane cultivation resulted in significant decline in a labile C (KMnO4-oxidizable) fraction. Despite the large losses of original C following conversion from forest to sugarcane, long-term sugarcane cultivation resulted in sequestration of sugarcane-derived C which adequately compensated these losses. Moreover, intensive de-rocking and land grading preceding mechanized harvesting did not have any detrimental effect on SOC stocks. However, the quality of sugarcane soils, as indicated by a decline in labile C, could be degraded.