In the article, based on the methodology of the subjective approach, the main factors influencing the assessment of the quality of higher education by the state, the labor market and the individual are investigated. The paper shows the transformation of the requirements for job seekers, traditional for the previous stages of the reproduction of skilled labor; it was noted that the main requirements are metasubject competences: creativity, speed of cognitive reactions, the ability to work in a team, focus on results, etc. The analysis of expert opinions on the professions of the near future is carried out and on this basis the prospects for training specialists in the field of library and information activities are investigated. It was emphasized that in a broad sense, the library as the most important socio-cultural institution has no alternatives. Examples of labor functions are given, corresponding to the realities of the IV Industrial Revolution and designed to shape the information culture of society and develop socio-cultural communications. The specificity of personal preferences regarding the desired quality of education as a factor in achieving life goals has been investigated. The tendency of reduction in the number of persons considering higher education as a social lift is noted. This circumstance also significantly affects the subjective perception of the rating of the chosen specialties of higher education and the corresponding higher educational institutions. who view higher education as a social lift. This circumstance also significantly affects the subjective perception of the rating of the chosen specialties of higher education and the corresponding higher educational institutions. who view higher education as a social lift. This circumstance also significantly affects the the war years, the Syrian government is implementing projects aimed at supporting the information society. development of the project "Syrian Higher Education & Research Network"; opening in 2002 of the Syrian Virtual University. Particular attention is paid to the negative consequences of the war that has been waged in Syria since 2011, and lists the main losses suffered by the country during the war years. It was emphasized that even during the war years, the Syrian government is implementing projects aimed at supporting the information society. development of the project "Syrian Higher Education & Research Network"; opening in 2002 of the Syrian Virtual University. Particular attention is paid to the negative consequences of the war that has been waged in Syria since 2011, and lists the main losses suffered by the country during the war years. It was emphasized that even during the war years, the Syrian government is implementing projects aimed at supporting the information society.