It is important to establish the technology to accommodate best effort TCP/IP traffic over wide area ATM networks. The UBR (Unspecified Bit Rate) service category is the most typical service category for the best effort traffic, especially in the LAN environment. On the other hand, the VER (Variable Bit Rate) service category with SCD (Selective Cell Discard) option is considered as the service category which is appropriate for wide area networks due to its fairness and minimum guarantee of the cell transmission using not only PCR (Peak Cell Rate) but SCR (Sustainable Cell Rate) and MBS (Maximum Burst Size). However, there is no actual evaluation for such service. We have, therefore, performed the experimental studies on TCP/IP over VER with SCD along with UBR and VER without SCD by VC (Virtual Channel) level policing when each TCP connection is mapped to a different VC. Through these experiments, we measured the link utilization of the effective data and the fairness between each obtained TCP throughput during the congestion of the ATM switch. From the results of the link utilization, the value is over 95% under the various conditions. Therefore, even in the case of the cell losses due to SCD or buffer overflow in ATM switch congestion, average throughput is almost the same as the value which equals the trunk line speed divided by the number of the accommodated TCP connections. From the results of the fairness, VER with SCD per VC is better than UBR and also obtains better TCP throughput than VER without SCD. Furthermore, to confirm those characteristics more generally, we adopt the accommodated TCP connections not only with the same TCP send/receive socket buffer size but with different sizes. Finally, we discuss the effectiveness between VER with SCD and the other service categories, such as UBR and ABR (Available Bit Rate) and GFR (Guaranteed Frame Rate), and conclude that VER with SCD is one of the most suitable ATM service categories for accommodating best effort traffic.