World consumption of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) is changing from fresh potatoes to processed products. In Venezuela, per capita consumption is about 16 kg, of which 28% is processed. The market for frozen pre-fried potatoes in the country is mostly satisfied by the import of the Atlantic variety that adapts to the process and provides a profitable, acceptable and uniform product. The causes that justify the reduced use of domestic potato for industrial processing are: high variability (due to climatic conditions and agronomic management), low availability of varieties and lack of studies on the quality of processed products. The chemical characteristics of the clones 399101-1, 397079-6, 391047-34, 393612-1, 391047-34 and the Granola and Tibisay clones established in the Cristalina, Trujillo state, Venezuela, at an altitude of 2800 masl were evaluated. The experimental design corresponded to random blocks with four replicates. The chemical variables evaluated were pH, dry biomass, specific gravity, titratable acidity, degrees brix, reducing sugars and starch. The pH variable showed significant differences (P<0.05) in the different treatments, while in the dry biomass percentage and the specific gravity no significant difference was observed. The dry biomass varied between 18.1 and 20.38%, while the specific gravity was 1.07 for all materials. In general, the clones evaluated developed tubers with titratable acidity and total solids content ideal for processing, which made them promising materials for the domestic industry.