This paper investigates the stochastic nonlinear flexural response of laminated composite plates resting on a two-parameter Pasternak elastic foundation with Winkler cubic nonlinearity and random system properties subjected to transverse uniform lateral pressure and hygrothermal loading. System properties, such as the lamina material properties, coefficients of thermal expansion, coefficients of hygroscopic expansion, and lateral load, are modeled as basic random variables using a micromechanical model. A higher-order shear deformation theory in the von Karman sense is used to model the system behavior of the laminated plate. A direct iterative-based C0 nonlinear FEM, in conjunction with the first-order perturbation technique previously developed by the authors, is extended for the hygrothermal problem to obtain the second-order response statistics, i.e., the mean and variance of the nonlinear transverse deflection of the plate. Typical numerical results for the second-order statistics of the nonlinear transverse central deflection of composite plates subjected to uniform temperature and moisture distribution over the plate surface and through the plate thickness are obtained for various combinations of foundation parameters, uniform lateral pressures, staking sequences, volume fraction, aspect ratio, plate thickness ratio, and boundary conditions under environmental conditions. The approach has been compared with those available in the literature and an independent Monte Carlo simulation (MCS).