The development of new technologies, advances in web technologies, and the ease in design for mobile devices has allowed e-books to naturally evolve into interactive e-books. The development from printed books to e-books, and from e-books to interactive e-books is also a current issue for the field of open and distance education. When the concept of e-books first emerged, there was no unique definition of this concept. Researchers merely referred to e-books as the digitalized states of regular books. With the development of new technologies, e-books are now capable of providing feedback to learners, giving rise to interactive e-book technologies through the enrichment of content. Interactive e-books have been rapid and effective in catching up with technological developments. These developments have been pioneered by tablet computers, smartphones, e-ink technology and other equipment with touchscreen interfaces. While people draw meaning from traditional books through simply reading them, users draw meaning from e-books through reading and through the support of rich content. Interactive e-books, on the other hand, attempt to explain the content to users while they guide and assist users and shape the content to the needs of the user. Literature review is the process of conducting detailed research of available resources on a specific subject, and the systematic gathering of data on that subject from those resources. This study conducted content analysis on 41 articles published between the years 2006 - 2016 regarding interactive e-books in peer reviewed journals that are present in the Web of Science academic database, and indexed in SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI, AHCI, CPCI-S, CPCI-SSH and ESCI indexes. The data gathered from the articles subjected to content analysis within the scope of this study will be interpreted through descriptive statistical methods (percentage and frequency). The purpose of this study is to provide a content analysis and literature review of research on interactive e-books. Suggestions for future applications and research in the field will be provided following the findings of the study.