The purpose of the article is to study the development of budgetary security in the context of its factor influence on the socio-economic development of the country, to determine the current state and prospects for improving the methodology of budget security assessment. Based on the study of strategic plans of socio-economic development through the elabo-ration of the provisions of the National Economic Strategy for the period until 2030 and the Strategy of Human Develop-ment, the dependence of the success of the implementation of strategic and operational goals of the socio-economic development of the country on the level of budget security has been proven. In the process of researching the current state of budget security, the indicators of the implementation of the State Budget of Ukraine and its deficit, the GDP of Ukraine, the general deficit of the public administration sector, the implementation of the consolidated budget of Ukraine, the totality of payments for servicing and repayment of the state debt for 2021 were analyzed. Based on them, normatively fixed indicators of budget security for the above period were determined, the analysis of which, taking into account the previously conducted systematic research of one of the co-authors of this article, for the period 2010-2021, proved an extremely low level of budget security of the country. In order to improve the methodology for assessing budget security, the approaches of various scientists were studied, which made it possible to motivate the need to clarify the first of the normatively established indicators (updated: the share of deficit/surplus of the consolidated budget to GDP) and to expand the existing normative system of indicatorsof budget security by supplementing it with the following indicators: level of shadowing revenues of the consolidated budget, the level of implementation of the revenue part of the consolidated budget; the level of implementation of the expenditure part of the consolidated budget. For the further development of the existing normatively established methodology for assessing budget security, the limit values of the listed indicators were formed, as well as updated weighting factors for the entire set of indicators in order to calculate the final indicator of budget security as part of financial security, and therefore the economic security of the country. The practical imple-mentation of the proposed innovations regarding the assessment of the level of budget security will contribute to increasing the reliability of its indicators, timely response to threatening changes in the level of budget security, and therefore willincrease the level of its management. This, in turn, will enable uninterrupted financial support for the implementation of the goals and objectives of the socio-economic development of our country