The present paper verified the hypothesis that neuroticism moderates the relationship between past-negative or present-fatalistic time perspectives and Facebook addiction. A sample of 248 Facebook users (Female: 66%, mean age: 21.5 years) filled the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventor and the Facebook Addiction Italian Questionnaire. Two hierarchical regression analyses tested a moderator model in which time perspectives have been defined as independent variables, Facebook addiction as dependent variables, and neuroticism as moderator. Gender and age were introduced in the model as covariates. Results show that past-negative significantly predicts Facebook addiction through the moderation effect of neuroticism. Individuals with a low negative temporal orientation to the past have low levels of Facebook addiction; however, even in the presence of low negative temporal orientation, high neuroticism fosters Facebook addiction. Individuals with a present-fatalistic time perspective evidenced high levels of Facebook addiction, but neuroticism had no moderating role. Peculiar associations between past-negative time perspective with neuroticism as a trait-insecure personality trait in determining social media addiction such as Facebook addiction were theoretically discussed. Practical implications of the study related to the development of clinical and prevention programs for social media addiction based, for instance, on the Time Therapy aimed at balancing past, present, and future, and at switching the focus from negative to positive, are finally highlighted.