The adjunctive use of antiplaque mouthrinses with normal oral hygiene procedures may produce a significant beneficial effect on gingival health. At present, numerous products are available with various claims for efficacy. Although for many of these products, well-controlled studies have been carried out comparing the product against a negative control or placebo, very few studies have been carried out directly comparing the efficacy of one commercial product with another. In this observer-blind, 4-day plaque regrowth, crossover study, the efficacy of a commercial triclosan mouthrinse was compared to that of an essential oil mouthrinse and 2 placebo controls. Starting from zero plaque at the commencement of each trial period, 32 volunteers used only the allocated rinses as the method of oral hygiene over 4 days, and on the 5th day returned for measurement of plaque index and area. The essential oil rinse produced a plaque reduction of 52% for plaque area and 17% for plaque index compared to its placebo, whilst the triclosan rinse produced a 45% reduction for plaque area and 12% reduction for plaque index against its placebo. Analysis of variance and construction of 95% confidence intervals showed that both active rinses significantly reduced plaque compared to their respective placebo. In addition, the essential oil rinse significantly reduced plaque compared to the triclosan rinse for plaque index but not for plaque area. The findings of this study would suggest that of the 2 rinses, the essential oil rinse would be expected to be more effective at reducing plaque formation in the longer term.