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Invasive Pneumococcal Disease Surveillance, 1 July to 30 September 2017
Pennington, Kate
Beard, Frank
Cook, Heather
Franklin, Lucinda
Giele, Carolien
Gilmour, Robin
Harlock, Michelle
Ben Howden
Jayasinghe, Sanjay
Krause, Vicki
Oftadeh, Shahin
Reid, Sue
Sintchenko, Vitali
Smith, Helen
Strachan, Janet
Vogt, Hannah
Wakefield, Angela
[1] NCIRS, Sydney, NSW, Australia
[2] Univ Melbourne, Microbiol Diagnost Unit, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
[3] NSW Hlth Pathol, Ctr Infect Dis & Microbiol Lab Serv, Sydney, NSW, Australia
[4] Westmead Hosp, Ctr Infect Dis & Microbiol Publ Hlth, Westmead, NSW, Australia
[5] Queensland Hlth Forens & Sci Serv, Coopers Plains, Qld, Australia
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R51 [传染病];
100401 ;
The number of notified cases of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) in the third quarter of 2017 was greater than the previous quarter and also the third quarter of 2016. Following the July 2011 replacement of the 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (7vPCV) in the childhood immunisation program with the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (13vPCV), there was an initial relatively rapid decline in disease due to the additional six serotypes covered by the 13vPCV across all age groups, however in 2017 this decline is no longer evident. Further, over this period the number of cases due to the eleven serotypes additionally covered by the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (23vPPV) and also those serotypes not covered by any available vaccine has been increasing steadily across all age groups (Figure 1).