The exegetical texts of Alexandros of Nikaia - a Byzantine bishop living in the 10th century - were hitherto completely unknown to scholarship. Although some catena manuscripts contain several scholia attributed to Alexandros, they have never been the subject of scientific examination. The present article provides the first edition of one of these scholia that survives in the catena commentary on 2 Corinthians in Codex Vaticanus graecus 762. The edited text is translated into German and extensively commented on. The linguistic and content analysis of the edited scholion allows to say that there is no reason to doubt that the text was originally written by Alexandros who here shows himself a quite conscientious biblical commentator. The article concludes with a list of all catena scholia that are attributed to the Byzantine bishop. The existence of these texts makes clear that the exegetical activity of Alexandros of Nikaia may no longer be ignored.