Geological storage is one of methods to neutralize anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions. Implementation of the method requires number of issues to be elaborated, including storage capacity classification and the CO2 storage site selection criteria. Storage capacity classifications presently applied are based on the allocation of oil and natural gas resources and the reserve-resource pyramid concept. Storage capacity classification elaborated by the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum for CO2 storage capacity applies techno-economic resource-reserve pyramid, in which four categories of storage capacities are assigned: theoretical, effective, practical and matched. Storage capacity distributions, proposed by CO2CRC and the one suggested in this article, both are based on the reserve-resource modified capacity pyramid basing on the SPE hydrocarbon resource classification, regarding estimation uncertainty. According to the CO2CRC classification total pore volume is divided into prospective, contingent and operational storage capacity. According to the distribution of storage capacity proposed in this paper, within theoretical storage capacity there are singled out following categories: effective, conditional and unavailable storage capacity. Selecting of structures to store carbon dioxide is based on criteria which are definable as a set of geological, reservoir and technical parameters that geological structure, prospective as a CO2 sink, needs to meet. Presented primary requirements to be met by a carbon dioxide storage site follow: sufficient occurrence depth, good storage formation reservoir parameters, large CO2 Storage capacity, tight, unfaulted seal of low permeability, small distance from the emitter. These criteria serve to preliminary select a storage site. Later on, due to further of assession of CO2 storage formation, one should conduct detailed analyses, basing on the outline presented in the Directive on geological storage of carbon dioxide.