We introduce a multidimensional item response theory (IRT) model for binary data based on a proximity response mechanism. Under the model, a respondent at the mode of the item response function (IRF) endorses the item with probability one. The mode of the IRF is the ideal point, or in the multidimensional case, an ideal hyperplane. The model yields closed form expressions for the cell probabilities. We estimate and test the goodness of fit of the model using only information contained in the univariate and bivariate moments of the data. Also, we pit the new model against the multidimensional normal ogive model estimated using NOHARM in four applications involving (a) attitudes toward censorship, (b) satisfaction with life, (c) attitudes of morality and equality, and (d) political efficacy. The normal PDF model is not invariant to simple operations such as reverse scoring. Thus, when there is no natural category to be modeled, as in many personality applications, it should be fit separately with and without reverse scoring for comparisons.