In recent years, new materials production and development has increased in construction field. One such material is steel fiber which is used for various applications due to prevent cracks. Another such material is fly ash obtained as the by-product of coal burning power plants. When fly ash mixed with concrete, it improves the quality and economic. Concrete with fly ash gives low early strength but it gives high ultimate strength. In this paper, strength behavior of concrete with varying percentage of fly ash and fiber was studied. The workability, compressive strength and split tensile strength were studied in this study. Fly ash proportion was used as 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% in mass basis. And also fiber proportion was used as 0%, 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5% and 2.0%. The testing results showed that, as the steel fiber content increases, compressive strength and split tensile strength was observed to be increased up to 1.0% and then decreased. The workability was decreased as the fiber content was increased. Statistical analysis was done to know the effect of fly ash and fiber content on compressive strength. The statistical analysis concluded that, fiber and fly ash content were significant effect on the compressive strength of concrete. Multi-linear regression (MLR) model was developed between compressive strength and significant factors observed from the statistical analysis. This developed model was validated using MAPE, RMSE and R-2 values. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Advanced Materials Behavior and Characterization.