The Dayingezhuang gold deposit, hosted mainly by Late Jurassic granitoids on Jiaodong Peninsula in eastern China, contains an estimated 170 t of gold and is one of the largest deposits within the Zhaoping fracture zone. The orebodies consist of auriferous altered pyrite-sericite-quartz granites that show Jiaojia-type (i.e., disseminated and veinlet) mineralization. Mineralization and alteration are structurally controlled by the NE- to NNE-striking Linglong detachment fault. The mineralization can be divided into four stages: (K-feldspar)-pyrite-sericite-quartz, quartz-gold-pyrite, quartz-gold-polymetallic sulfide, and quartz-carbonate, with the majority of the gold being produced in the second and third stages. Based on a combination of petrography, microthermometry, and laser Raman spectroscopy, three types of fluid inclusion were identified in the vein minerals: NaCl-H2O (A-type), CO2-H2O-NaCl (AC-type), and pure CO2 (PC-type). Quartz crystals in veinlets that formed during the first stage contain mainly AC-type fluid inclusions, with rare PC-type inclusions. These fluid inclusions homogenize at temperatures of 251 degrees C-403 degrees C and have low salinities of 2.2-9.4 wt% NaCl equivalent. Quartz crystals that formed in the second and third stages contain all three types of fluid inclusions, with total homogenization temperatures of 216 degrees C-339 degrees C and salinities of 1.8-13.8 wt% NaCl equivalent for the second stage and homogenization temperatures of 195 degrees C-321 degrees C and salinities of 1.4-13.3 wt% NaCl equivalent for the third stage. In contrast, quartz crystals that formed in the fourth stage contains mainly A-type fluid inclusions, with minor occurrences of AC-type inclusions; these inclusions have homogenization temperatures of 106 degrees C-287 degrees C and salinities of 0.5-7.7 wt% NaCl equivalent. Gold in the ore-forming fluids may have changed from Au(HS)(0) as the dominant species under acidic conditions and at relatively high temperatures and fO(2) in the early stages, to Au(HS)(2-) under neutral-pH conditions at lower temperatures and fO(2) in the later stages. The precipitation of gold and other metals is inferred to be caused by a combination of fluid immiscibility and water-rock interaction.