Link between Spatial Planning and water management in Argentina and in the province of Buenos Aires. Analysis of regulatory and institutional aspects (2003-2019)

Calderon, Gabriela [1 ]
Laura Zulaica, Maria [2 ]
Enrique Massone, Hector [3 ]
Dalla Torre, Julieta [4 ]
[1] Univ Nacl Mar del Plata UNMdP, Consejo Nacl Invest Cient Tecn CONICET, Inst Habitat & Ambiente IHAM, Fac Arquitectura Urbanismo & Diseno FAUD, Mar Del Plata, Argentina
[2] UNMdP, Grp Estudios Sociourbanos, Fac Humanidades FH, IHAM,FAUD,CONICET, Mar Del Plata, Argentina
[3] UNMdP, Comis Invest Cient Prov Buenos Aires CIC, Inst Geol Costas & Cuaternario IGCyC, Fac Ciencias Exactas & Nat FCEyN, Mar Del Plata, Argentina
[4] Univ Nacl Cuyo UNCuyo, Inst Multidisciplinario Estudios Sociales Contemp, Inst Estudios Hist Econ Sociales & Int IDEHESI, Fac Ciencia Polit & Sociales FCPyS,CONICET, Mendoza, Argentina
public policy; spatial planning; Integrated Water Resources Management; Argentina;
P9 [自然地理学]; K9 [地理];
0705 ; 070501 ;
Spatial Planning (SP) and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) constitute central instruments to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) foreseen in the 2030 Agenda. Although there is a recognition of the importance of linking these policies, their connection has been scarcely studied. This work analyzes the link of normative and institutional aspects between SP and water management public policies in Argentina and the Buenos Aires Province (BAP) in the period 2003-2019. The methodological procedure included the review of relevant aspects of these policies at the national and provincial level, with emphasis on the main laws and proposed plans. At the national level, the absence of laws on both issues stands out; as well as the few points in common between them, with the exception of risk management. In the BAP there are two norms that strongly condition SP and water management at the local level, being their relationship weak. The research carried out makes it possible to highlight the importance of linking these processes from a comprehensive perspective in order to contribute to sustainability within the framework of the SDGs.
页码:173 / 189
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