Digital governance needs the knowledge of requirements of the society which is offered to use information communication technologies (ICT). Digital Knowledge has play key role in the knowledge of society and the financial system of that society.The government of Pakistan has recently declared ICT sector as the thrust sector. Government of Pakistan trying to meet the international standards in land revenue department by making the department digitalized. It is necessary to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices of people regarding digitalization of land record. So, present study focused on the knowledge, attitude & practices of the people regarding digitalization of land record in Punjab, Pakistan.The present study was conducted in three districts (Faisalabad, Rawalpindi and Multan) of Punjab. A sample of 450 respondents was drawn through purposive sampling technique. Respondents from each District were taken by using proportionate sampling techniques. Descriptive statistical technique and multiple linear regression model were applied for data analysis. Results showed that majority of the sampled population had knowledge about two services of digitalization of land record i.e. acquisition of fard (80%) and mutations (72%), while some of them had knowledge about other services i.e. fardbadar (37.1%) and grieval redressal (27.6%). Similarly, it was observed that mostly respondents used LRS for acquisition of Fard (67%) and Mutations (39.8%). Usage of other services i.e. 'fardbadar' and 'grieval redressal' was relatively lower. However, mostly respondents were never satisfied digitalization of land records system (46.5%) and with routine of officials of the Property Revenue Credentials Branch (42.4%). A large part (61.1%) of the selected population told that it is very difficult to approach to the officials and this system is much complicated (41.3%) and less convenient for public. While young, educated and urban community had more utilization of these services.It was observed that the awareness level of people was low about procedure of getting land records (fard, mutation, FardBadar, etc.), So awareness campaign should be launch at village level.