Professionalism and communication skills are important aspects of medical training, and virtual patient applications can offer cost effective, easily accessible platforms for communication practice which complement flexible, student-driven medical school curriculum design. Further, numerous virtual and augmented reality platforms have been introduced recently. This paper explores potential advantages and disadvantages Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) technologies offer to the development of a virtual patient application specifically for communication practice-the Emotive Virtual Patients - with a natural user interface. VR/AR technologies may offer highly interactive, immersive virtual patient experiences that tie to our research goals, improve presence and create a more fertile environment to practice empathy, however they may also present platform-specific challenges. A potential virtual patient design framework is discussed, and the unique benefits and limitations of VR/AR devices are analyzed. We put our research in the context of other virtual patient research, and hypothesize what benefits in terms of presence and natural user interfaces VR/AR may provide.