Faced with globalization imperatives, a market economy shaken by increased crises, to new issues related to sustainable development, it's high time to emerge reflections to rethink an economy more humanistic with a real social and environmental dimension that respond to the economic development requirements, to the humanity and to the planet problems. In this context, socially responsible entrepreneurship is an innovative model that makes it possible to integrate social and environmental aspects into its economic activities. This innovative voluntary approach of social and responsible entrepreneurship doesn't deny the social, economic and ecological fundamentals; Thus helping creating social value in different fields (health, education, employment, finance, etc.). The will to control the overall socio-economic environment (internal and external) of a socially responsible company is based on the search for total control of all the risks that it can generate in its business, These risks are closely linked to the innovation process. The main objective of a social entrepreneur's innovation is to bring about social change, which leads to real risk-taking, namely: determining the financing capacity of innovation, which is often costly, and its development, the innovative use of resources to explore and exploit opportunities which respond to a social need in a sustainable way. Hence social enterprise explicitly displays a mission of collective interest which involves the concerned stakeholders in order to analyze, share and control the various risks that may constitute a major obstacle to innovation, to communicate programs of development, of cooperation, of financing and of social and solidarity economy, contributing to the realization of social entrepreneurial projects, assisting them, accompanying them and ensuring their good governance and ensuring their sustainability. On the basis of theoretical reflections, the aim of this communication is to highlight the different approaches of social entrepreneurship concept through a literature relating to social innovation concept, and then to recognize the various risks closely linked to social innovation, in order to study how a socially responsible company can manage these risks and finally to analyze in a pluralistic manner the ways in which risks are shared among its stakeholders partners for an optimal development.