This study was conducted to determine factors that influence career choice among 1st-year medical students. A cross-sectional survey of 170 1st-year medical students from the University of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus was undertaken with a questionnaire designed to assess their perceptions of careers in various specialties. Likert scales were used to quantify the reasons for their preferences. The response rate was 136/170 (80%). The age of respondents ranged from 16 to 36 years, mean 20.45, SD 2.88. Of the generic factors students considered important in their choice of a specialty, students ranked the ability to help patients the highest (rating of 1.44), along with the diagnosis and treatment of disease second (rating of 1.49); 38 (27.9%) cited medicine, 26 (19.1%) surgery, 13 (9.6%) paediatrics, 10 (7.4%) family practice and 4 (2.9%) psychiatry as their chosen career. Students begin their medical training with the view that a career in psychiatry is less attractive than other specialties surveyed. The average attractiveness was estimated as surgery 1.64, medicine, 1.81, paediatrics 1.95 and psychiatry 2.57. The differences between the averages were highly significant (F = 57.6, P < 0.001). The findings suggest that although 1st-year medical students rank the diagnosis and treatment of disease and the ability to help patients as the greatest influence in choosing a specialty, internal medicine was the most popular chosen career, while the surgical specialties were identified as the most attractive. Medical students have serious reservations about psychiatry as a career choice.