Conservation of germinability of cambuci, Campomanesia phaea (Berg.) Landr. (Myrtaceae), seeds during storage is of prime importance for their better utilization and for scheduling nursery seedling production of this endangered species. The objetive of this work was to evaluate the effects of temperatures, substrates, desiccation levels and storage conditions on germination of cambuci seeds. Trials were carried out over a three-year span, in BOD incubators in a completely randomized design. Seeds were obtained from mature fruits of eight trees planted in Jardim Botanico de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Vermiculite and filter paper were the best germination substrates in both temperatures, 25 C and 30 C. Storage in plastic bags in cold chamber (8 2 C) was superior to storage in paper bags at uncontrolled room temperature. After 240 day storage in plastic bags placed in cold chamber, percent germination of non-desiccated seed was 100%, whereas of seeds desiccated to 3% water content was 83.8%. After 180 days of storage in paper bags at room (uncontrolled) temperature, seeds had 48.8% germination, and germinability was totally lost after 240 days of storage.