There has been a considerable evolution of the theory of fractal interpolation function (FIF) over the last three decades. Recently, we introduced a multivariate analogue of a special class of FIFs, which is referred to as a -fractal functions, from the viewpoint of approximation theory. In the current note, we continue our study on multivariate a -fractal functions, but in the context of a few complete function spaces. For a class of fractal functions defined on a hyperrectangle ? in the Euclidean space Rn, we derive conditions on the defining parameters so that the fractal functions are elements of some standard function spaces such as the Lebesgue spaces L-p( ? ), Sobolev spaces W-m,W-p( ? ), and Holder spaces C-m, s ( ? ), which are Banach spaces. As a simple consequence, for some special choices of the parameters, we provide bounds for the Hausdorff dimension of the graph of the corresponding multivariate a -fractal function. We shall also hint at an associated notion of fractal operator that maps each multivariate function in one of these function spaces to its fractal counterpart. The latter part of this note establishes that the Riemann-Liouville fractional integral of a continuous multivariate a -fractal function is a fractal function of similar kind.