Waveform data resulting from time-intensive longitudinal designs require careful treatment. In particular, the statistical properties of summary metrics in this area are crucial. We draw on event-related potential (ERP) studies, a field with a relatively long history of collecting and analyzing such data, to illustrate our points. In particular, three summary measures for a component in the average ERP waveform feature prominently in the literature: the maximum (or peak amplitude), the average (or mean amplitude) and a combination (or adaptive mean). We discuss the methodological divide associated with these summary measures. Through both analytic work and simulation study, we explore the properties (e.g., Type I and Type II errors) of these competing metrics for assessing the amplitude of an ERP component across experimental conditions. The theoretical and simulation-based arguments in this article illustrate how design (e.g., number of trials per condition) and analytic (e.g., window location) choices affect the behavior of these amplitude summary measures in statistical tests and highlight the need for transparency in reporting the analytic steps taken. There is an increased need for analytic tools for waveform data. As new analytic methods are developed to address these time-intensive longitudinal data, careful treatment of the statistical properties of summary metrics used for null hypothesis testing is crucial.