ISM : individual (Red Rectangle);
ISM : molecules;
radiation mechanisms : general;
stars : individual (HD 44179);
D O I:
P1 [天文学];
0704 ;
We present narrowband images of the Red Rectangle (RR) Nebula that reveal the distinct morphologies of this intriguing nebula in different optical emission bands. The morphology of the RR nebula in blue luminescence (BL) and extended red emission (ERE) are almost mutually exclusive. We also present the optical detection of the circumbinary disk of the RR in the light of the BL. The total intensities from the two optical band emissions (BL and ERE) when summed over the nebula are of comparable magnitude. Their spatial distributions with respect to the embedded illumination sources lead us to suggest that they may be attributed to different ionization stages of the same family of carriers.
Univ Coll New S Wales, Sch Phys, Australian Def Force Acad, Canberra, ACT 2600, AustraliaUniv Coll New S Wales, Sch Phys, Australian Def Force Acad, Canberra, ACT 2600, Australia