Kathiawar, known as Saurashtra region in Gujarat, is rich in its cultural heritage of folk arts and literature. The folk dances of Kathiawar like dandiya raas, garba, etc. folk music like bhajans, dohas, etc, litterateurs like Zaverchand Meghani, Narsinh Mehta, Bhoja Bhagat, Dulabhai Kag, etc. have occupied a prominent place in the world of folk arts and literature. The tales and poems are still enjoyed by people, when presented by folk artists in Lok Dayora (a gathering where people are entertained by folk artists). Even Bhavais (street plays) are per-formed telling them the stories of our great epics; today these street plays are performed to awaken citizens with their rights. This folk heritage is now moving towards extinction as today our youths are drawn towards western culture and arts. There is an urgent need for preservation of dying Kathiawari art forms and literature. Special care should be taken for the upliftment of the folk artists.