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Ponticaulis koreensis gen. nov., sp nov., a new member of the family Hyphomonadaceae isolated from seawater
Kang, Hye Soon
Lee, Soon Dong
[1] Cheju Natl Univ, Dept Sci Educ, Cheju 690756, South Korea
D O I:
Q93 [微生物学];
071005 ;
100705 ;
An obligately halophilic, stalked bacterium, designated strain GSW-23(T), was isolated from seawater that had been collected on the coast of Jeju, Korea. Cells of the strain were characteristically Gram-negative, aerobic, chemo-organotrophic, non-budding, motile rods or vibrioids; that possessed prosthecae and holdfasts. Multiplication occurred by means of binary fission. The major ubiquinone was Q-10. The dominant cellular fatty acids were summed feature 7 (one or more of C-18:1 omega 9C, C-18:1 omega 12t and C-18:1 omega 7c; 37.1%), C-16:0 (25.5%) and C-18:0 (14.1%). The DNA G + C content was 53.3 mol%. 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses showed that the organism was related to members of the family Hyphomonadaceae and formed a distinct clade between members of the genus Hyphomonas and Hirschia baltica DSM 5838(T). Strain GSW-23(T) was most closely related to the genus Hyphomonas (92.5-93.9% sequence similarity), but differed from members of the genus by reproduction by binary fission, some physiological properties (gelatin liquefaction and tolerance of 6% NaCl) and chemotaxonomic features (major fatty acids, major quinones and DNA G + C content). The other genera of the family can be readily differentiated from the isolate by a battery of cultural, physiological and chemotaxonomic characteristics. On the basis of the phenotypic and phylogenetic data presented here, strain GSW-23(T) represents a novel genus and species in the family Hyphomonadaceae, for which the name Ponticaulis koreensis gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of Ponticaulis koreensis is strain GSW-23(T) (=KCTC 22146(T) = DSM 19734(T) = JCM 14975(T)).
页码:2951 / 2955