The present article is based on an Erasmus+ project named Blic & Clic which uses mobile learning pedagogy to promote an effective inclusive education. The inclusion of students with special needs in classroom activities is an enriching experience for all students. Mind Maps have been integrated into emerging teaching techniques such as the Flipped Classroom and can be particularly effective with students since it engage them, it encourage creativity and teach how to learn rather than memorizing contents [6]. This research study using Flipped Learning, as pedagogical methodology, was developed in a Chemistry class of the 12th grade. A student with special motor cerebral palsy worked with non-disabled peers used the APP-Popplet, to make the report of the laboratory activity "A Copper Cycle". In a 10th grade class, students with cognitive difficulties and Asperger syndrome prepare aqueous solutions used by their 12th graders colleagues. This study concluded that the activities proposed allowed all students to have new opportunities to deepen and apply their previous and new learning. There was also the promotion of cooperative learning in the development of social and cognitive competences of the students. It increased their autonomy, their organizational management of work, their nterpersonal relations and their motivation for learning.