Floods are one of the main natural disaster threats to the safety of people's lives and property. Flood hazards intensify as the global risk of flooding increases. The control of flood disasters on the basin scale has always been an urgent problem to be solved that is firmly associated with the sustainable development of water resources. As important nonengineering measures for flood simulation and flood control, the hydrological and hydraulic models have been widely applied in recent decades. In our study, on the basis of sufficient remote-sensing and hydrological data, a hydrological (Xin'anjiang (XAJ)) and a two-dimensional hydraulic (2D) model were constructed to simulate flood events and provide support for basin flood management. In the Chengcun basin, the two models were applied, and the model parameters were calibrated by the parameter estimation (PEST) automatic calibration algorithm in combination with the measured data of 10 typical flood events from 1990 to 1996. Results show that the two models performed well in the Chengcun basin. The average Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE), percentage error of peak discharge (PE), and percentage error of flood volume (RE) were 0.79, 16.55%, and 18.27%, respectively, for the XAJ model, and those values were 0.76, 12.83%, and 11.03% for 2D model. These results indicate that the models had high accuracy, and hydrological and hydraulic models both had good application performance in the Chengcun basin. The study can a provide decision-making basis and theoretical support for flood simulation, and the formulation of flood control and disaster mitigation measures in the basin.