The normative analysis of solutions contained in the Croatian labor-regulative system prima facie does not find flagrant deficiences of legal provisions or their significant discrepancies from comparative national systems of European states or international labour standards, but anti-discrimination measures in the conditions of inadequate level of court protection and inefficiency of labour inspectors in protecting substance rights often result in further reflections of discrimination arising from the anti-discrimination basis. The gender analysis of the labor market in Croatia suffers from a lack of statistical information and research, limiting analysis and leading to the use of prior estimates and hypothesis. Therefore, scant statistical information and research about women in the labour market hinders their effectiveness with policymakers in the implementation of government procurement laws or policies that promote women in the labour community. In the circumstances of negative transitional changes, significant impact of the Church on all spheres of the social and political life, unemployment, poverty and disallowed practice that makes a women undesirabile work force, a prevention of multiple forms of discrimination and genuine affirmation of the equal distribution of gender roles in social and family life has to become a permanent imperative in the society that is pursuing values and principles of equality The paper discusses women's position in the Croatian labour market within transitional context, especially from legal, economic and political point of view. The pupose of this paper is to promote women position in the labour market as equal part of labour force.