In tackling the digital divide, one of the eight pillars within the Digital Agenda for Europe 2020 is related to enhancing digital literacy, skills and inclusion, in the sense of improving e-skills levels in the labor force, with actions focusing on e-learning, with all actions having as overall aim to generate smart growth and creating jobs. As internet and social media have been gaining more and more importance in people's lives, with more and more tasks being performed online, and digital competences being more and more needed in professional lives, while aware that people from urban areas tend to be more open to using social networks in Romania, and that the selection of social networks used may predetermine specificities related to the communication processes and interests in socializing online, such means of communication becomes more and more present also in our learning and in our professional lives. In this framework, we are interested in analyzing the current state of art regarding social media, focusing in particular on the forms of using social virtual networks as tools for online lifelong learning and in assessing the efficiency of social networks as tools for online lifelong learning, including for professional career development. The methodology used is based on quantitative analysis ( social inquiry, using questionnaires), targeting especially urban population that is present online. The results of this research may prove of interest for further development and renewal towards e-learning approaches. Such online learning endeavors may be further enhanced with use of social media, of social virtual networks.