In a companion article [1], we described computer simulations of the flow around 2 two-dimensional, tandem circular cylinders in a flow for 1 <= Re <= 20. In this article we adopt a similar approach to characterize the flow around side-by-side cylinders with surface-to-surface separation/diameter in the range 0.1 < s/D < 30. The results revealed some distinct and interesting features of the flow, which are completely different than those observed at higher Reynolds numbers. At low Reynolds numbers, 1 <= Re <= 5, for all gap spacings, the flow contains no regions of flow separation. At higher Re, four distinct flow behaviors were observed. For very small gap spacings, e.g. 0.1 < s/D < 0.6 at Re = 20, two elongated "detached vortices" form downstream of the cylinders. The drag coefficient increases sharply with the gap spacing. For gap spacings 0.6 < s/D < 0.7 at Re = 20, no vortices form anywhere in the flow. For gap spacings around s/D approximate to 1 separation regions form only on the inside portions of the cylinders. For larger gap spacings s/D > 1 the flow reverts to something similar to that around an isolated cylinder in the flow, i.e. two attached vortices on the rear side of each cylinder. In general, the drag coefficient increases as the gap spacing increases. At higher Reynolds number it is known that the cylinder lift coefficients decrease monotonically with gap spacing. In contrast, at these lower Reynolds number the lift coefficient curves rise to a maximum for 0.3 < s/D <3 and then decrease monotonically for larger s/D. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.