The first author has been using an autogenous cortical bone columella to replace the stapes removed during stapedectomy since 1965. The audiograms of 21 of the 271 patients operated on with this method between 1965 and 1989 (i.e. 7.7% of the possible candidates) were available 20-35 (average 26.8) years postoperatively. The operation could be regarded as successful in 20 and unsuccessful in 1 patient in the long run. The audiological data are presented individually as averages of the values obtained at 0.5, 1, 2 and 3 kHz. The averaged data (n = 21): preoperative air conduction, 58.27; bone conduction, 24.46; and air-bone gap, 33.81 dB. Postoperative best air conduction, 19.07; bone conduction, 14.10; and air-bone gap, 4.97 dB. Postoperative recent air conduction, 45.77; bone conduction, 38.45; and air-bone gap, 7.32 dB. The best values were measured 1-8 (average 1.57) years postoperatively. In relation to the postoperative best value, the recent value of the air-bone gap had deteriorated by 2.35 dB, and that of the bone conduction by 24.35 dB. The small air-bone gap indicates that the deterioration of the hearing is mainly caused by the deterioration of the function of the inner ear and not by that of the conductive apparatus. The progression of the deterioration differs individually (0.3-1.6, average 0.93 dB/year) and accelerates with age. This finding seems to be a problem that does not depend on the operative technique. The data show that the autogenous bone columella ensures the same good and lasting results as the alloplastic solutions; moreover, there is no problem with the incus-prosthesis connection.