Using industrial spatial agglomeration index 13 and CRn industrial concentration index of our country strategic emerging industries agglomeration level determination of the 2009-2012. The results is that: from 2009 to 2012, China's strategic emerging industries agglomeration level is declining, the electron and communication equipment manufacturing industry agglomeration level drops fastest, 4 years in electronic and communication equipment industry spatial agglomeration index fell by 63.99%. Strategic emerging industries agglomeration effect lead to economic growth, but also intensifies polarization of regional development. Strategic emerging industries agglomeration level dropped in recent years in our country is important problem of polarization of regional development in China improved and excessive concentration of production factors in the development of China's eastern coastal areas imbalance phenomenon began to shift, the balance of resources on a national scale preparation produced results. And as a "peripheral" areas of industry cluster in our country, should be in the period of the spread of the industrial agglomeration effect, seize the opportunity, vigorously improve the level of industrial agglomeration in the region, driving the development of local economy express.