This study aimed to ascertain the impact of technostress on the academic achievement of Saudi university students during the Corona pandemic. Adopting the descriptive correlative approach, 387 university students were sampled to investigate the research problem. Two instruments were used in the study: A techno-stress questionnaire and an academic achievement measurement. Data were analyzed statistically, and significant results were obtained from statistical tests - means, standard deviations and Mann-Whitney test. Results showed that the dimension of technology dominance over personal life) has influenced university students, which could be attributable to rapid development connected to technology, which interferes with private life. Other dimensions, including the technical burden and technology invasion of students' personal lives and their psychological instability factor and the technology used at the university, had a positive impact on academic achievement. The technical burden has more effect on the females than the males on the technological pressure scale. Besides, the complexities of using technology reduce academic achievement. Moreover, the measurement of technological pressure has no tangible effect based on the gender variable, which may be due to homogeneity between the male and female participants. They receive the same training and education and practice the same required tasks required. Furtheunore, the impact on academic achievement due to gender, academic stage, and major stresses educating students about the effective use of technology and employing it appropriately to promote their educational achievement positively. Apart from rationalizing these findings, the study suggested that less sophisticated technology is used to help learners increase their educational attainment.