The shear modulus of a soil, G, shows a hyperbolic degradation curve relationship with increasing shear strain, gamma. G is usually normalized against the small-strain modulus (G(max)) as G/G(max) vs gamma (log). Factors that significantly influence G are shear strain amplitude, gamma, soil plasticity index (PI) and effective pressure, sigma '. Design curve charts of G/G(max) vs gamma have been produced for seismic engineering purposes. Mathematical models have also been developed, using statistically analysed parameters to reflect the influence of gamma, PI and sigma '. Soil overconsolidation ratio (OCR) has a significantly lesser impact than the three mentioned factors. In this paper, mathematical fitting and shaping functions for PI and sigma ' are developed to extend the shear modulus reduction model further. The requirement to calculate reference strain, gamma(ref,) is removed, and only soil PI and sigma ' are required. Cyclic triaxial experiments are conducted with reconstituted kaolin and bentonite in different mix proportions (to achieve varying PI) and at different effective stresses. The model equation matches well against both the established curves and experimental results and can facilitate preliminary prediction of shear stress-strain behaviour and G(max) with different cohesive soil types and at different depths below ground.