An experiment was conducted to estimate the metabolisable energy (AMEn) equivalency value of a multi enzyme (Natuzyme-P, NP) Graded levels of AMEn, 2600, 2750, 2900, and 3050 kcal/kg in the starter, and 2700, 2850, 3000, and 3150 kcal/kg of the diet in the grower periods were used in this study All birds received the simillr nutrients through whole growth periods but AMEn level was different among treatments Four levels of dietary NP enzyme (0 15, 025, 0 35 and 045 g/kg) were added to the basal diet (2600 and 2700 kcal/kg in the starter and grower period, respectively) Each dietary treatment was randomly assigned to four pens of 5 chicks each Feed intake and body weight gain were recorded at 28 and 42 d of age, and feed conversion ratio was calculated Regression equations were derived for graded levels of AMEn, and NP enzyme The derived regression equations for AMEn were set equal with those obtained for NP and were solved, equivalency values for AMEn were calculated by subtracting the obtained values from nutrient content of basal diet The BW gain response from 0 45g multi enzyme /kg diet at 28 and 42 d of age are therefore equal to 76920 and 92390 kcal/kg AMEn