Twenty-four lactating Holstein cows were used in a 6-wk randomized block design trial with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments to determine the effects of feeding ground corn (GC) or steam-flaked corn (SFC) in diets based on either annual ryegrass silage (RS) or a 50:50 blend of annual ryegrass and corn silages (BLEND). Experimental diets contained 49.6% forage and were fed as a total mixed ration once daily for 4 wk after a 2-wk preliminary period. No interactions were observed among treatments. Cows fed BLEND consumed more dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and acid detergent fiber (ADF) than those fed RS, but total-tract digestibility of OM, NDF, and ADF was greater for RS than for BLEND. No differences in nutrient intake were observed among treatments during wk 4 when nutrient digestibility was measured, but digestibility of DM and OM was greater for SFC than for GC. Cows fed BLEND tended to produce more energy-corrected milk than those fed RS, resulting in improved efficiency ( kg of milk per kg of DM intake). When diets were supplemented with SFC, cows consumed less DM and produced more milk that tended to have lower milk fat percentage. Yield of milk protein and efficiency was greatest with SFC compared with GC. Blood glucose and milk urea nitrogen concentrations were similar among treatments, but blood urea nitrogen was greater for cows fed GC compared with those fed SFC. Results of this trial indicate that feeding a blend of annual ryegrass and corn silage is more desirable than feeding diets based on RS as the sole forage. Supplementing diets with SFC improved performance and efficiency compared with GC across forage sources.